5 Zodiac Signs Most Likely to Rekindle a Relationship with an Ex

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By: Ehtesham

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Breaking up can be tough, and moving on is often the next logical step. But some zodiac signs have a knack for rekindling old flames, drawn to the nostalgia and comfort of familiar love. Let’s look into the five zodiac signs most likely to get back together with an ex, and what drives them to give love another shot.


Cancers are known for their emotional depth and strong attachment to loved ones. When they love, they love deeply, and this often means they find it hard to let go. The idea of rekindling a past relationship appeals to them because of their sentimental nature and desire for security.

They cherish the good times and are often willing to overlook past hurt if it means finding happiness again. If you dated a Cancer, don’t be surprised if they reach out during a sentimental moment or anniversary.


Libra, the sign of partnerships, values harmony and balance in relationships. They are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, which makes them natural romantics. Libras dislike being alone and often feel incomplete without a partner.

This sign is likely to rekindle a relationship because they prefer to fix what’s broken rather than start anew. They weigh the pros and cons and may decide that an old relationship, despite its flaws, is better than being single. Their charm and diplomatic nature can make reconciliation an appealing option.


Pisces are dreamers and hopeless romantics. They often see relationships through rose-colored glasses, focusing on the positive aspects and ignoring the negative. This water sign is incredibly compassionate and forgiving, sometimes to a fault.

When a relationship ends, Pisces may hold onto the fantasy of what it could have been. They’re likely to rekindle a romance because they believe in second chances and the transformative power of love. Pisces often follow their hearts, even if it means diving back into a complicated situation.


Taurus is a sign known for its stubbornness and loyalty. When they commit to a relationship, they invest a lot of time and effort into making it work. This earth sign doesn’t like change, so they may prefer to rekindle an old relationship rather than face the uncertainty of a new one.

They value stability and are often willing to work through issues if it means preserving the relationship’s foundation. Taurus can be incredibly patient and will often wait for the right moment to try again, especially if they believe the relationship had potential.


Leos love grand gestures and dramatic love stories. This fire sign is confident and loves to be in the spotlight, often making them irresistible to their exes. They may rekindle a relationship because they enjoy the excitement and passion that comes with it.

Leos are also loyal and generous, and they often feel a sense of pride in making a relationship work. They might see rekindling a romance as a chance to show off their love and commitment, proving that they’re capable of making things right.

As you can see, these zodiac signs have their unique reasons for wanting to get back with an ex. Whether it’s the comfort of familiarity, a romantic ideal, or the desire to prove their loyalty, these signs often find themselves reopening the door to past relationships. So, if you’re dealing with one of these signs, don’t be surprised if they come knocking again!


Which zodiac sign is most likely to get back with an ex?

Cancer is most likely to rekindle a relationship due to their sentimental and nurturing nature.

Do Libras go back to their exes often?

Yes, Libras tend to go back to their exes because they prefer to fix relationships rather than start new ones.

Are Pisces forgiving when it comes to relationships?

Pisces are very forgiving and often overlook flaws in their exes, making them likely to rekindle relationships.

Why do Taurus signs prefer to rekindle relationships?

Taurus prefers stability and dislikes change, making them more inclined to rekindle old relationships rather than start anew.

Is Leo likely to reach out to an ex?

Yes, Leo enjoys grand gestures and the drama of love, making them likely to reconnect with an ex.

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