WASPI Eligibility Changes: Recent Updates So Far

Written By: Anushka


WASPI campaigners highlight important dates for women seeking compensation for State Pension age changes.

Ombudsman Report

Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride promises to review the ombudsman’s report, urging Parliament to act quickly.

Affected Women

3.8 million women born between 6 April 1950 and 5 April 1960 were unfairly treated due to poor communication about pension age changes.

Communication Issues

After the 1995 changes, some women faced a second increase in 2011, with little notice of the six-year increase.

Eligibility Factors

Women born from 6 April 1950 to 5 April 1960 may be eligible. Proof of how short notice affected retirement plans is crucial.

Compensation Efforts

SNP MP Alan Brown proposes compensation between £3,000 and £10,000, higher than the ombudsman’s suggested £1,000 to £2,950.

Ongoing Struggles

Many women face severe financial problems and demand immediate action. WASPI seeks a clear compensation plan within 100 days of Labour taking office.

£5,644.60 DWP Payment: Claim & Eligibility For This Condition