Universal Credit 2024: New Dates, Amounts, and Eligibility

Written By: Anushka

Benefit Increase

In April 2024, Universal Credit benefits saw a 6.7% increase to help claimants cope with the rising cost of living.

Advocacy Efforts

Advocacy groups are pushing for guaranteed essentials to be included in Universal Credit, ensuring recipients can afford basic necessities.

Payment Dates

Universal Credit operates on a monthly assessment period. Payments are calculated based on the previous month's rate, leading to some delays.

New Rates

The new Universal Credit rate is expected to be £470 per month. Advocacy groups are urging for faster adjustments to meet claimants' needs.

Possible Increase

With ongoing economic pressures, there is a call for further increases to Universal Credit beyond the 6.7% rise to better align with living costs.

Additional Support

Recipients can seek supplemental aid from charitable organizations, local councils, and community groups for food, financial counseling, and more.

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