Social Security Changes if Kamala Harris Wins

Written By: Anushka

Tax Higher Incomes

Harris proposes taxing earned income above $400,000 to address Social Security’s funding shortfall, leaving wages between $168,600 and $400,000 untaxed.

COLA Formula Change

Harris supports changing the COLA calculation from CPI-W to CPI-E, better reflecting senior healthcare costs.

Raise the PIA

Proposals include increasing the Primary Insurance Amount (PIA) for individuals aged 78-82 to assist with rising healthcare costs.

Minimum Benefit Increase

The special minimum Social Security benefit for lifetime low-wage workers would increase to 125% of the federal poverty level, helping reduce reliance on other federal programs.

SSA Funding Increase

Plans include a 9% funding increase for the Social Security Administration to improve customer service and services for individuals with disabilities.


These changes highlight Harris' commitment to Social Security’s financial stability and beneficiary support.

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