Social Security Benefits Changes Impact Retirees' Monthly Checks

Written By: Anushka


Retirees' monthly Social Security checks will be affected due to new changes announced by the Social Security Administration.


Alimony agreements will now regard Social Security benefits as income, potentially altering spousal support calculations.


States have different laws for alimony, but generally, courts will now include Social Security benefits when determining alimony.


Temporary alimony can be awarded early in the divorce process, with Social Security benefits now included in these calculations.


Alimony compensates for diminished earning capacity, now factoring in Social Security benefits for one spouse.


Previously, alimony was granted to support the lower-earning spouse, not considering Social Security benefits as income.


Federal statutes state Social Security benefits are non-transferable, but new rulings allow them to be counted as income.

Final 2 Social Security Payments In July And Their Dates