Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $559K: 6 More Over $89K

Written By: Anushka

Double Die Obverse

The double die obverse error on Bicentennial quarters creates a fascinating visual effect. In near-mint condition, this error can surpass the $100,000 mark, making it highly coveted.

Off-Center Strike

An off-center strike occurs when the coin blank is misaligned, resulting in a partially missing design. Dramatic off-center errors on uncirculated Bicentennial quarters can fetch up to $95,000.

Silver Composition Error

In 1976, some Bicentennial quarters were mistakenly struck on silver planchets. These rare silver error quarters in uncirculated condition can value over $90,000, treasured for their rarity.

Full Drum Lines

Bicentennial quarters with full drum lines on the reverse side, depicting Independence Hall, signify a high-quality strike and preservation. Such quarters exceed $89,999 in value.

Foreign Coin Overstrike

A Bicentennial quarter overstruck on a foreign coin is an extraordinary rarity. This minting error makes these quarters highly sought after, with values soaring over $89,999.

Proof Set Error

Proof sets, struck with extra care for collectors, occasionally include errors like a Bicentennial quarter in the wrong year's set or with significant flaws. These quarters are valued over $89,999.

Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $311K: 6 More Over $81K