Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $401K: 6 More Worth Over $25K

Written By: Anushka

Bicentennial Quarter History

In 1976, the U.S. celebrated its 200th anniversary with the Bicentennial Quarter. This unique coin captures the imagination of collectors, with some rare variants becoming highly valuable.

Double Die Obverse

Valued over $25K, the Double Die Obverse Quarter features a fascinating minting error with a noticeable doubling of the date and motto, making it highly coveted by collectors.

Off-Center Strike

An off-center strike can transform a common quarter into a valuable collector's item worth over $25K. The more dramatic the misalignment, the higher the coin’s value.

Silver Composition Error

Some Bicentennial Quarters were mistakenly struck on 40% silver planchets intended for collector sets. These rare silver composition error quarters can exceed $25K in value.

Full Drum Lines

The Full Drum Lines Quarter, with its detailed strike outlining the drum on the reverse side, can fetch over $25K. This rare level of detail indicates an early strike from a fresh die.

Overstruck Quarter

Overstruck quarters, minted on previously minted coins or other denominations, are extremely rare. These unique anomalies can be valued at over $25K.

Proof Error

Proof quarters, known for their detailed and mirrored finish, can have errors like smudged designs or incorrect metal compositions. These Bicentennial proof error quarters can be worth over $25K.

Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $501K: 6 More Worth Over $25K