Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $201K: 6 More Over $25K

Written By: Anushka

Bicentennial Quarter

In 1976, the United States celebrated its 200th anniversary with the release of the Bicentennial Quarter, featuring a unique design for the occasion.

Double Die Obverse

Valued over $25K, this quarter features a design stamped twice, creating a noticeable doubling of the date and motto, making it highly coveted.

Off-Center Strike

An off-center strike results in a partially blank or uneven design, turning an ordinary quarter into a valuable item worth over $25K.

Silver Composition Error

Some Bicentennial Quarters were mistakenly struck on 40% silver planchets, not intended for circulation. These can be valued at over $25K.

Full Drum Lines

Quarters with fully outlined drum lines on the reverse are rare, indicating an early strike from a fresh die, and can fetch over $25K.

Overstruck Coins

Quarters overstruck on previously minted coins or other denominations are extremely rare and valued at over $25K due to their uniqueness.

Proof Error

Proof quarters with smudged designs or incorrect metals can elevate their value to over $25K, especially from the Bicentennial year.

Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $401K: 6 More Worth Over $25K