Bicentennial Quarter Worth $677,777 + 6 More Over $87,777

Written By: Anushka

1976 Bicentennial Quarter

This special edition Bicentennial Quarter, lacking a mint mark, is highly prized. Its unique status and historical significance make it worth nearly $677,777.

1932-S Washington Quarter

The 1932-S Washington Quarter, minted in San Francisco, is a key rarity. Its low production and historical context make it worth over $87,777 in pristine condition.

1943 Copper Wheat Penny

This penny, mistakenly made of copper instead of steel, is often misidentified as a quarter. Its rarity and unique story elevate its value over $87,777.

1950-D/S Overmintmark 

This quarter, initially marked for the San Francisco mint but overstruck with a Denver mint mark, is a rare find. Its value exceeds $87,777 due to its unique error.

1823/2 Capped Bust Quarter

The 1823/2 Capped Bust Quarter, with its overdate feature and limited production, is highly valued. Its historical significance pushes its worth over $87,777.

1796 Draped Bust Quarter

One of the first quarters minted, the 1796 Draped Bust Quarter is a cornerstone piece. Its age and rarity make it worth over $87,777.

1916 Standing Liberty 

The 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter, known for its beauty and limited mintage, is a coveted piece. Its value can exceed $87,777.

Rare Bicentennial Quarter Worth $99M: 9 More $500K Gems