£975 Income Gap for PIP Claimants Replaced by Vouchers

Written By: Anushka


The proposed replacement of PIP cash payments with vouchers could leave claimants facing a £975 monthly income gap, sparking significant concern.

Income Gap

A Scope study reveals that households with disabled members need an extra £975 per month to maintain living standards similar to non-disabled households.

Voucher System

The new proposal aims to replace PIP cash payments with vouchers for equipment and treatments, potentially widening the financial gap for claimants.


Critics argue that the voucher system reduces flexibility, adds paperwork, and fails to cover the diverse and immediate needs of disabled individuals.

Financial Impact

The £975 income gap affects essential expenses like rent and bills, making it harder for PIP claimants to manage their daily living costs.

PIP Claimants

Around 2.6 million people claim PIP, with about 33,000 new claims monthly, highlighting the widespread reliance on this benefit.


Campaigners stress the need for cash payments to provide flexibility and independence, urging the government to reconsider the voucher system proposal.

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