Three New Payments Expected This Month – Deposits of $2800, $1850, and $960, Full Details 

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Canadians are in for a financial boost this month with three new government payments on the horizon. These payments, amounting to $2800, $1850, and $960, are aimed at helping low-income seniors and other eligible citizens cope with the rising cost of living. The government has introduced this initiative to provide additional assistance to those in need. Let’s delve into the details of these payments, their deposit news, dates, and eligibility criteria.


Canadians may receive three significant government deposits this month, offering financial relief to various groups. The payments include $2800, $1850, and $960, depending on the program and individual circumstances. These payments are part of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB), Canada Housing Benefit (CHB), and Old Age Security (OAS).


The CERB program, originally designed to support employed and self-employed Canadians affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, is considering a one-time payment of $2800. While the program has ended, discussions about an additional payment for eligible recipients are ongoing. This potential top-up aims to provide extra financial aid to those who faced income disruptions due to the pandemic.


The CHB assists low-income renters with housing costs. This program is expected to see an increase in benefits, potentially amounting to $1850 annually. The government aims to provide additional support to renters struggling with the rising cost of living, ensuring they can maintain stable housing.


The OAS pension provides monthly payments to Canadian seniors aged 65 and over. This year, the annual adjustment to account for inflation will result in an increase, potentially reaching $960 annually. This adjustment ensures that seniors’ benefits keep pace with the cost of living, providing much-needed financial stability.

Deposit News

These new payments will offer vital financial support to eligible Canadians, addressing economic concerns, rental costs, senior living expenses, and other needs.

CERB Uncertainty

The $2800 CERB top-up payment remains the most uncertain. As of now, there are no official deposit dates. The government has yet to disclose when, or if, this one-time payment will be issued. Canadians who previously received CERB payments should stay updated for any announcements regarding this potential top-up.

CHB Increase

The $1850 Canada Housing Benefit is expected to see an increase this month. Low-income renters will benefit from this boost, with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) likely to announce the exact deposit date soon. This increase is anticipated to be reflected in payments by the end of the month, providing timely assistance to those in need.

OAS Adjustment

The $960 Old Age Security adjustment is an annual increase to keep up with inflation. This month’s payment will reflect this increase, with the new amount being issued on August 1st, 2024. Seniors receiving OAS will see this adjustment in their monthly benefits, ensuring their income remains sufficient to cover rising living costs.

CERB Dates

There is no official announcement regarding a CERB top-up payment date. Canadians should monitor government communications for updates on this potential payment.

CHB Dates

The Canada Housing Benefit increase is expected to take effect this month, with the exact date to be disclosed by the CRA. Recipients currently receiving CHB payments will see the increased amount deposited directly into their bank accounts.

OAS Dates

The Old Age Security payment is issued on the first day of each month. The increased amount will be reflected in the August 1st, 2024 payment, providing seniors with additional financial support.


To receive these new payments, Canadians must meet specific eligibility criteria.


Eligible recipients for the CERB top-up must have been approved for and received CERB payments during its active period. The government will determine the exact eligibility requirements for this potential one-time payment.


The CHB benefits are available to Canadians who rent their primary residence and have a household income below the federal threshold. This benefit aims to assist low-income renters struggling with housing costs.


The OAS pension benefits are offered to Canadian citizens or permanent residents aged 65 and over who have lived in Canada for at least 10 years after turning 18. There is a minimum income requirement to receive the full OAS amount, ensuring that those in need receive adequate support.

In conclusion, these three new payments provide a much-needed financial boost to eligible Canadians. Whether through CERB, CHB, or OAS, the government aims to support those struggling with the rising cost of living. Stay informed about the latest updates to ensure you receive any benefits you may be entitled to.


What is the CERB top-up amount?

The CERB top-up amount is potentially $2800.

Who can receive the CHB increase?

Low-income renters receiving CHB may see an increase.

When will the OAS adjustment be paid?

The OAS adjustment will be paid on August 1st, 2024.

How do I qualify for the OAS increase?

You must be 65+ and meet residency and income requirements.

Is the CERB top-up confirmed?

No, the CERB top-up is not yet confirmed.

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