Official Social Security Announcement – Retirees to Receive Thousands in Delayed SSI Payments

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The Social Security Administration (SSA) has announced a significant development for recipients of the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. By June 2024, the SSA will have released $901 million in underpayments to those eligible. This move aims to rectify previous errors in payment calculations and ensure that beneficiaries receive the funds they are entitled to.


SSI is a federal financial assistance program aimed at helping low-income seniors over the age of 65, disabled individuals, and those who are blind. The program is funded by the U.S. Treasury and administered by the SSA. To qualify for SSI benefits, individuals must meet strict income and asset criteria. Specifically, an individual can have up to $2,000 in assets, while couples can have up to $3,000, with few exceptions.

According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, without SSI, an additional 22.7 million Americans would live in poverty. This highlights the critical role SSI plays in supporting vulnerable populations. As of January 2024, approximately one million SSI recipients were children, many qualifying due to severe disabilities.

Addressing Underpayments

Underpayments occur when beneficiaries receive less than they are entitled to due to miscalculations or administrative errors. The SSA’s recent effort to disburse $901 million aims to address these discrepancies. Among the total amount, $209.1 million is allocated to nearly 81,000 individuals who have experienced long-standing underpayments.

The SSA’s Office of the Inspector General has identified several causes for improper payments, including both underpayments and overpayments. These issues often arise from the SSA’s reliance on complex calculations and human processes. For example, in the 2019 fiscal year, the inability to verify eligibility resulted in $623 million in unpaid disability benefits. Administrative errors led to another $41 million in unpaid SSI benefits, contributing to a total of $724 million in underpayments that year.

Recent Scrutiny

The announcement of the disbursement comes amidst recent scrutiny of the SSA’s handling of overpayments. The SSA has faced criticism for its aggressive recovery techniques, which often place a heavy burden on beneficiaries. Some recipients have received refund notices for tens of thousands of dollars, with some cases taking years to resolve.

In response to this scrutiny, the SSA announced changes in March 2023 to its overpayment recovery process. One significant change is the elimination of the practice of automatically deducting 100% of an overpaid beneficiary’s monthly Social Security benefit if the beneficiary does not respond to repayment requests. This change is intended to provide relief to beneficiaries who may not be aware of overpayments or lack the financial resources to repay large sums.

Social Impact

The SSA’s effort to address underpayments is a crucial step in ensuring that vulnerable populations receive the support they need. Kevin Thompson, CEO of 9i Capital Group, emphasizes the importance of these payments in preventing poverty among low-income seniors and disabled individuals. As the SSA corrects its errors, it aims to restore trust and provide much-needed financial relief to eligible beneficiaries.

SSI Underpayments

YearAmount of UnderpaymentsPrimary Cause
2019$724 millionEligibility verification issues
2024$901 millionAdministrative and calculation errors

The SSA’s decision to release $901 million in SSI underpayments marks a significant effort to correct past mistakes and provide fair compensation to eligible beneficiaries. This move highlights the importance of ensuring accurate and timely payments to support those in need. As the SSA continues to refine its processes, beneficiaries can hope for more reliable and equitable financial support.


Who is eligible for SSI payments?

Low-income seniors over 65, disabled individuals, and those who are blind.

How much is the SSA disbursing in underpayments?

The SSA is disbursing $901 million in underpayments by June 2024.

Why do underpayments occur?

Underpayments occur due to miscalculations, administrative errors, and eligibility verification issues.

What changes has the SSA made to overpayment recovery?

The SSA has eliminated the practice of automatically deducting 100% of an overpaid beneficiary’s monthly benefits.

How does SSI impact poverty rates?

SSI helps prevent an additional 22.7 million Americans from falling into poverty.

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