Claim Your $1,312 Stimulus Check – What You Need to Know for Fast Payment

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Alaska residents look forward to the annual Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD), a unique initiative that shares the state’s oil and gas revenues directly with its citizens. This year, qualifying residents will receive a $1,312 payment through the PFD program, scheduled for distribution on August 15, 2024. Here’s a detailed guide on how to ensure you receive your stimulus check on time and what steps you need to take.

Alaska Permanent Fund

The Alaska Permanent Fund, established in 1976, was created to manage the state’s oil revenues for the long-term benefit of its residents. The PFD program, a key component of this fund, distributes a portion of these revenues directly to Alaskans each year. The $1,312 payment for 2024 is more than just a bonus; for many families, it represents essential financial support that helps cover living expenses such as food, housing, and healthcare.

Dates to Remember

The stimulus check payment is scheduled to be issued on August 15, 2024. However, only those residents who have not yet received their 2023 PFD are eligible. It is crucial to verify your application status by August 7, 2024. Your application must be marked as “Eligible – Not Paid” on the PFD website to receive the check this year.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the $1,312 PFD payment, Alaska residents must meet specific criteria:

  1. Residency: Applicants must have lived in Alaska for the entire previous year or be a current resident at the time of applying. You must also intend to remain in the state.
  2. Income and Taxes: Your income and tax filing status can affect your eligibility. If you’re married and filing jointly, both spouses must meet the requirements.
  3. Criminal Record: Applicants must not have any disqualifying criminal convictions.
  4. Dependents: Additional funds may be available for each dependent child listed on the application.
  5. Application Status: Your PFD application must be marked as “Eligible – Not Paid,” indicating that you’ve been approved for the dividend but have yet to receive the payment.

How to Apply

To ensure you receive the correct payment, follow these steps:

  1. Update Personal Information: Regularly update your personal and medical information in your Alaska Permanent Fund records. This includes changes in income, marital status, or medical conditions, which could impact your eligibility and benefit amount.
  2. Review Earnings Record: The amount of your PFD benefits is based on your earnings record. Regularly review this record to identify and correct any errors. Mistakes in your earnings record could result in lower benefits than you deserve.
  3. Understand Deductions: Deductions can significantly impact the amount of money you receive. For instance, if you work while receiving benefits, your additional income may reduce your PFD payment. Knowing how these deductions work can help you better plan your finances.
  4. Explore Additional Benefits: The PFD program offers additional benefits that many people overlook, such as benefits for spouses, children, or dependents. Researching and claiming these benefits can increase the financial support you receive.


By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your application is in order and that you receive your PFD payment on time. It’s also essential to stay informed about any updates or changes by regularly checking the PFD website or contacting local assistance offices.

The Alaska Permanent Fund Dividend is a valuable resource, and by staying proactive, you can maximize the benefits you receive from this program. For many Alaskans, this annual payment provides much-needed financial relief, making it crucial to manage your application effectively.


When will the 2024 Alaska PFD be distributed?

The payment is scheduled for August 15, 2024.

Who qualifies for the $1,312 PFD payment?

Residents who meet specific residency, income, and application status criteria.

What happens if my application isn’t marked as “Eligible – Not Paid”?

You will not receive the 2024 payment. Ensure your status is updated by August 7.

Can deductions affect my PFD amount?

Yes, working while receiving benefits or other factors can reduce your payment.

Are there additional benefits available through the PFD?

Yes, benefits may be available for spouses, children, or dependents, increasing your total support.

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