Centrelink Special Payment of $800 to $2,140 – Check Eligibility and Payment Dates

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The Centrelink Special Payment is a crucial lifeline for Australians facing financial hardships in 2024. Designed to provide temporary financial relief, this payment is targeted at citizens who do not qualify for other income support benefits and are struggling due to circumstances beyond their control. Whether due to residency status, age, or other factors, these individuals often fall through the cracks of the typical social security net. This article breaks down the key details of the Centrelink Special Payment, including eligibility, payment amounts, and how to apply.

Special Payment

The Centrelink Special Payment is unique because it serves as a last resort for those who cannot access any other form of income support. It aims to assist those in genuine need, providing them with the financial means to support themselves temporarily. Unlike regular benefits, the Special Payment is only available to those who meet strict criteria and demonstrate significant financial hardship.


The amount you receive from the Centrelink Special Payment varies depending on your financial situation. To qualify, you must prove that your available funds are less than $5,000 and that your income is lower than what you would receive from the Special Payment on a fortnightly basis. This means the payment amount is tailored to each recipient, depending on their income and assets.

Those who are ineligible for other Centrelink income support payments—possibly due to residency requirements, temporary visa status, or being under 16 years of age—may be entitled to this Special Payment. The payment is crucial for those who have no other means of financial support and cannot improve their situation without assistance.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Centrelink Special Payment, you must meet specific criteria:

  1. Australian Residency: You must be an Australian citizen residing in the country, or hold a specific subclass of visa that entitles you to the payment.
  2. Exclusion from Other Benefits: You must not qualify for any other income support payments provided by Centrelink, such as the Social Security Pension or Allowance.
  3. Financial Hardship: The payment is specifically for those facing financial crises who are unable to earn enough to support themselves and their dependents.
  4. Income and Asset Test: You must pass an income and asset test to verify that your financial situation qualifies you for this payment.

Certain temporary visa holders and citizens unable to meet residency requirements may also be eligible, especially if they are under 16 years old. Ukrainian nationals in Australia who have been adversely affected by the ongoing conflict are given special consideration.

Program Details

ProgramCentrelink Special Payment
AmountDepends on income and assets
Responsible AuthorityCentrelink
CategoryGovernment Aid
Official Websiteservicesaustralia.gov.au

Payment Dates

To claim the Centrelink Special Payment, you must provide evidence that you cannot improve your financial position despite your best efforts. The Australian Government prioritizes Ukrainian refugees in this process, providing tailored support for those who cannot access other income support due to the conflict.

Once approved, the Special Payment will be credited weekly to your bank account. This regular support is crucial for individuals and families who have no other financial options.

Additional Information

The Australian Government continuously reviews and adjusts its policies to provide adequate financial support to citizens, especially in times of high inflation. This includes changes to allowances and the introduction of special payments like this one.

Individuals engaged in full-time study or training approved by an Employment Service Provider may also qualify for the Special Payment. This provision highlights the importance of education and training in achieving financial independence.

To apply, you can visit the Services Australia website and complete the online application process. Alternatively, you can visit a Service Australia Centre in person or download the application form from the website and submit it by post.

This special payment is a vital resource for Australians facing severe financial difficulties. Whether you apply online or offline, it’s essential to ensure that you meet all eligibility criteria and provide accurate information to receive the support you need.


Who qualifies for the Centrelink Special Payment?

Australians facing financial hardship who don’t qualify for other income support.

How much can I receive from the Special Payment?

The amount varies based on your income and assets.

Can temporary visa holders apply for this payment?

Yes, some temporary visa holders may qualify.

When are payments made?

Payments are made weekly once the claim is approved.

How do I apply for the Special Payment?

Apply online via the Services Australia website or visit a Service Centre.

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