How to Avoid Losing Your Social Security Check

Written By: Anushka


Social Security includes Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance. Each has specific conditions for eligibility and continuation.


Starting benefits before Full Retirement Age (FRA) reduces your monthly check. Early retirement at 62 reduces benefits by 30%.


Working before FRA and earning above set limits can temporarily reduce benefits. For 2024, earnings over $22,320 lead to a $1 reduction for every $2 earned.


Survivor benefits end if remarriage occurs before age 60 (50 if disabled) or if the caring child turns 16, among other conditions.


Children's benefits stop at 18 unless they are still in school or disabled before 22. Remarriage and age can affect a child's benefit eligibility.


Exceeding earnings limits during the trial work period can reduce SSDI benefits. Reviews and health improvements can also affect eligibility.

Earnings Limits

For SSDI in 2024, earning over $1,550/month ($2,590 if blind) after the trial period can cause benefits to be reduced.

Social Security Checks To Increase: Experts Reveal Amount