£10,000 Payments for WASPI Women from SNP – Dates, Eligibility, and Claim Guide

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Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) highlights significant issues around the State Pension Age, leading to various uncertainties for British women. Despite these challenges, they remain firm in their pursuit of justice. This article provides an overview of the £10,000 compensation from the Scottish National Party (SNP) for WASPI women.


British women born between 1950 and 1960 were hit hard by sudden changes in the State Pension Age. This abrupt shift left many unprepared, delaying their retirement plans, forcing them back into the workforce, and lowering their living standards. Some political party manifestos have failed to acknowledge this injustice, leaving many women disappointed.

However, the SNP has taken a stand to support WASPI women. They have committed to a £10,000 compensation payment for those affected by the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) policy changes. WASPI women are hopeful for a productive collaboration with SNP in their fight for justice.

Payment Date

Approximately 3.8 million women were affected by the sudden State Pension Age transition. The WASPI campaign was launched to highlight the hardships faced by these women due to inadequate government communication. Many women had to work additional years beyond their planned retirement.

Both the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) and the DWP acknowledged the communication void. The SNP’s commitment to £10,000 compensation is a significant step, but the exact payment date remains undecided. Initially, compensation was expected in the second half of 2024, but the UK general elections caused delays. There is still uncertainty about payments being issued in July 2024.


To be eligible for the £10,000 WASPI compensation, the following criteria must be met:

  • Women must be born between 6 April 1950 and 5 April 1960.
  • Verification of pension age is mandatory, regardless of birth year.
  • Applicants must provide proof of the impact caused by the State Pension Age change.

While the compensation amount and eligibility norms are determined by the UK Government, WASPI emphasizes advocacy for justice and compensation. The issue remains unresolved, but the movement has significantly highlighted the importance of adequate communication about pension age adjustments.

Claiming Process

Here’s a brief description of the £10,000 claiming process for WASPI women:

  1. Contact DWP: Applicants must contact the DWP to claim compensation. They can also apply online.
  2. Gather Documents: Ensure all supporting documents required for verification are available.
  3. Accurate Details: Fill out the application form with accurate details.
  4. Submit Claim: Submit the completed form along with filed grievances and supporting documents.
  5. Provide Evidence: Show evidence of the financial and emotional impact of the State Pension Age change.

All We Know

WASPI is a UK-based organization addressing injustices against women. It operates without government funding, relying on membership fees, donations, and contributions. WASPI’s main goals are recognition, fairness, and compensation.

British women seek acknowledgment of the hardships caused by inadequate government communication and fair compensation. They also advocate for a responsible and transparent approach to future State Pension Age transitions to avoid similar issues.

For detailed information on claiming documents, eligibility norms, and payment updates, visit the official UK government website or contact the DWP. Stay tuned to this website for the latest WASPI-related news.


When will WASPI women receive compensation?

The exact payment date is undecided, with potential delays due to the UK general election.

How much is the compensation for WASPI women?

Eligible women may receive £10,000 in compensation.

Who qualifies for WASPI compensation?

Women born between 6 April 1950 and 5 April 1960 qualify.

How do I claim WASPI compensation?

Contact DWP, gather documents, fill out the application form accurately, and submit it.

Why was the State Pension Age change problematic?

Inadequate government communication left many women unprepared for the pension age shift.

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