$19.60 NZ Pension Increase for 2024 – Latest Updates on Superannuation and Pension Changes

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Australian pensioners are always keen to stay updated on changes that affect their income, particularly when it comes to pension adjustments. In August 2024, however, there’s no immediate increase in pension payments. The Australian government has a structured approach to adjusting pension payments, which typically occurs biannually in March and September. The last adjustment, made in March 2024, saw a modest increase in pension rates, and these will remain in place until the next scheduled review in September 2024.

Pension Adjustment

The March 2024 pension adjustment brought a slight increase in payments. For single pensioners, the Age Pension increased by $19.60 per fortnight, while couples saw an increase of $14.70 per person per fortnight. These adjustments reflect the government’s commitment to keeping pension payments in line with inflation and the cost of living. However, as noted, no further increases will be applied in August 2024, meaning pensioners will have to wait until September for the next potential change.

Superannuation Changes

While August 2024 didn’t bring a direct pension increase, there have been important changes in the superannuation landscape that could benefit future pensioners. Starting from July 1, 2024, the compulsory superannuation contribution rate for employers increased by 0.5%. This gradual increase will continue annually, with the goal of reaching a 12% contribution rate by 2030. This increase could significantly boost retirement savings for those still in the workforce, ultimately providing greater financial security in retirement.


Apart from the superannuation changes, there are other adjustments that might benefit Australian pensioners:

  • Income Limits for Part-Time Workers: The temporary increase in income limits for pensioners who work part-time has now become permanent. Pensioners can earn up to $11,800 per year without impacting their pension payments. This change offers more flexibility for those who wish to supplement their pension income by working part-time.
  • Pension Indexation: Australian pensions are indexed twice a year, based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and average male earnings. This ensures that pensions maintain their purchasing power, even as the cost of living rises.
  • Assets Test Thresholds: The thresholds for the assets test, which determine eligibility for full or partial pension assistance, are periodically reviewed and adjusted. For the latest information on these thresholds, pensioners should visit the Service Australia website.

Planning for Retirement

Even though there’s no pension increase in August, staying informed about potential changes affecting your retirement income is vital. Here are a few key steps to consider:

  • Review Your Entitlements: Familiarize yourself with the various types of pensions available through Service Australia, including the Age Pension, Disability Support Pension, Carer Payment, and veteran entitlements. Understanding the eligibility criteria for each can help you maximize your benefits.
  • Estimate Your Retirement Needs: Consider factors such as your desired lifestyle, healthcare costs, and potential housing expenses when estimating your retirement income needs.
  • Seek Financial Advice: Consulting a financial adviser can be invaluable in creating a personalized retirement plan. This plan should take into account your assets, superannuation, and potential pension income to ensure a comfortable retirement.

What’s Next?

Although there’s no pension increase in August 2024, the adjustments made in March provide some financial stability for pensioners. The next review in September 2024 will determine whether further adjustments are necessary to keep pensions aligned with the cost of living. Additionally, the ongoing rise in the superannuation guarantee offers a long-term benefit by increasing retirement savings, even if the immediate pension payments remain unchanged.

For now, Australian pensioners can take comfort in the fact that their pensions are periodically reviewed and adjusted to meet economic conditions. Staying informed and planning ahead is key to ensuring financial security in retirement.


When is the next pension increase scheduled?

The next review is in September 2024.

Did pension payments increase in August 2024?

No, the last increase was in March 2024.

How much can pensioners earn without affecting payments?

Pensioners can earn up to $11,800 per year.

What is the new superannuation contribution rate?

The rate increased by 0.5% from July 2024.

Where can I find the latest pension updates?

Check the Service Australia website for the latest information.

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